mercoledì , 11 Dicembre 2024

Tag Archives: Women’s strike

Terror and resistance in the Afghan autumn: an interview with Liza Schuster and Reza Hussaini

by VALENTINA MARCONI and STEFANO VISENTIN → Italian Few days ago, the dead bodies of four young women were found in the outskirts of Mazar-e-Sharif, in northern Afghanistan. Frozan Safi, a 29-year-old activist and economics lecturer, who took part to the recent protests against Taliban rule, is among them, while the other three women have not been identified yet. The …

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Who says woman? Why to say it? Where?

«Why can’t we say woman anymore?» is the title of an article by Rosie DiManno shared on Twitter by Margaret Atwood a few days ago. The sharing of the article, which was published in the Canadian newspaper «Toronto Star» (#1 and #2), provoked bitter reactions that put Atwood’s positions, together with J.K. Rowling’s ones, in the ranks of trans-exclusionary radical …

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We are the 97%: we will not be silenced. Women’s uprising against violence in the UK

by ALICE FIGES → Italian On the evening of Saturday 13th March the UK watched as metropolitan police officers hurled and  kettled several young women to the ground. These women had gathered in vigil to mourn the death of a 33-year old woman they never met, Sarah Everard. Everard was confirmed dead that morning. Ten days earlier on March 3rd, …

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25 ottobre, assemblea pubblica online: Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational!

di EAST → English Il network EAST (Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational) è nato con lo scopo di connettere le diverse lotte in corso ed emergenti su un piano transnazionale, di discutere e organizzarsi a partire dalla riproduzione sociale come campo di battaglia. Dopo le prime riunioni tra attiviste e lavoratrici, per noi è ora il momento di raggiungere tutte e …

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Against the social reproduction of pandemic patriarchy

→ Italian For quite some time women have been refusing to be domesticized by patriarchy. For them, it’s not a surprise that now, in times of a global pandemic, patriarchy is trying to impose itself as a necessary supplement of capital’s domination: after all, patriarchy has been pandemic for ages. In every place in the world and from different positions, …

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Continuity and revolt: women’s movements and the feminist strike

→ Italian Women’s movement is expanding and it is transforming. It is expanding because the global resonance of its struggle against male violence has turned on new uprisings in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Algeria, Palestine and South-Africa. It is transforming because all over the world – from Lebanon to Bolivia, from Argentina to Italy, from Chile to Northern Syria – women …

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The struggle of indigenous women in Bolivia: the eternal return of patriarchy and transnational feminism

by CAMILLA DE AMBROGGI → Italian, Spanish On March 8, 2019, for the third consecutive year, we had the opportunity to see the global power of the feminist transnational movement. This transfeminism has been able to reinvent and readapt the practice of the strike to the new political challenges that global capital poses, going beyond the lines of division that …

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The connecting breach. The transnational power of the feminist strike

→ Italian We believed in the transformative power of the feminist strike from its very beginning. Nonetheless, three years later, we continue to be surprised by how fast it is spreading around the world. Women from the US to Mexico and Bangladesh are championing the fight for fair wages, that has regained strength thanks to their efforts. Demonstrations against male …

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Reaction and revolt. Inside the infinite mutation of present state of things

→ Italian Tens of thousands Hungarians refusing to submit to the slave law. The mass demonstrations in Serbia against the government’s violence. The greatest student revolt in Albania since the end of socialism. The gilets jaunes’s insurrection in France and the massive resistance against Brexit in Great Britain. Women’s struggle, everywhere threatening the orderly reproduction of global society. Migrants’ movement, …

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Scene di lotta e di classe nell’America di Trump

di FELICE MOMETTI Dove sta ora la politica di Trump dopo il ridimensionamento di Steve Bannon e i lanci dei missili sulla Siria e della «madre di tutte le bombe»? Sta tra Bill Clinton e il kabuki giapponese. È la possibile risposta semiseria che meglio rispecchia l’attuale tragica imprevedibilità del tycoon newyorchese. A tre mesi dall’investitura di Trump, mesi decisivi …

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