martedì , 11 Febbraio 2025

Tag Archives: Precarious (dis)Connections

«Nessuna possibilità di ritirata». Le sfide della nuova classe operaia cinese, migrante e precaria, secondo Pun Ngai

a cura di GIORGIO GRAPPI – pubblicato su «il Manifesto» del 13 dicembre 2012 La pubblicazione del volume Cina. La società armoniosa. Sfruttamento e resistenza degli operai migranti(Jaca Book, 2012), curato e con un’introduzione di Ferruccio Gambino e Devi Sacchetto, propone ai lettori italiani una raccolta di alcuni dei più significativi saggi di Pun Ngai, tra le maggiori studiose delle …

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Sciopero generale e protesta di massa in Portogallo… e i limiti della mobilitazione

di ISMAIL KÜPELI – Oporto Aggiornamento e rielaborazione dell’articolo uscito sul numero di ottobre di Anlyse&Kritik Come nel marzo scorso, solo la CGTP, il sindacato comunista, ha indetto lo sciopero del 14 novembre, dopo che i sindacati spagnoli e la Confederazione Europea dei Sindacati avevano indetto a loro volta una giornata di mobilitazione. Il sindacato socialdemocratico (UGT) ha invece dichiarato …

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14N: contestation, rage and moving time

With a reasoned delay, we publish a small dossier concerning the 14N day of European mobilisation and strike. Beyond this short introductory text, the dossier collect contributions from Greece, Spain and Portugal. We chose not to intervene immediately, insofar as our aim is to discuss critically about what happened, and what was missing, on November 14. On 14th of November …

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Delayed reflections from Greece, for a strike that wasn’t

by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens The 14N European day of coordinated trade union protests against the austerity measures made headlines in the Greek media and mobilised strongly the Greek police at the day. Their motion to shut down the Syntagma sq. metro station in Athens, for what it proved to be a quite …

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General strike and mass-protest in Portugal… and the limits of mobilization

by ISMAIL KÜPELI – Porto Updating and revision of the article published in the October edition of Analyse&Kritik As in March 2012, only the CGTP, the communist trade union, called the strike on the 14th November, after the Spanish trade unions and the European Trade Union Confederation called for a day of mobilization for the 14th of November. The social-democratic …

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Generalstreiks sowie Massenproteste in Portugal… und die Grenzen der Mobilisierungen

von ISMAIL KÜPELI – Porto Überarbeiteter Artikel, der zuerst in der Oktoberausgabe von analyse & kritik veröffentlicht wurde Wie bereits im März 2012 hatte lediglich die CGTP, die kommunistische Gewerkschaft, zum Streik am 14. November aufgerufen. Der sozialdemokratische Gewerkschaftsverband UGT hatte im Vorfeld erklärt, dass er sich nicht beteiligen wird. Nachdem spanische Gewerkschaften ebenfalls für den 14. November zu einem …

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Riots in black and white. London, one year after

by GABRIELLA ALBERTI – Precarious Workers Brigades, London  If I go anywhere I’m [treated like] a black man that came here 60 years ago … they see me as an immigrant and you can feel the subconscious racism everywhere. You can feel it and you see the way they look at you … it is what it is. There’s nothing …

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Women that show the way. A conversation with Zehra Akbar Khan of the HBWWF, Pakistan

We have already connected with the important experience of the HBWWF, the first union which organizes the home based women workers in Pakistan and which has been formally recognized by the government after a huge campaign that has involved a ever-increasing number of workers since 2006. Today we are proud to publish an interview with Zehra Akbar Khan, general secretary …

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Learning from Oakland: Rise up Together to Make the Difference!

We are proud to publish a report on the Oakland general strike written by Kimi Lee, woman, mother, migrant and activist of the collectives Colorful Mamas of 99% and LeftBay99, the latter born as a space for organization within the #occupy movement, after the strike was launched. It is an enthusiastic and sincere report. We have a lot to learn …

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Imparare da Oakland 2. Da Oakland a Wall Street

Nei prossimi giorni dovremmo essere in grado di fornire una testimonianza diretta sullo sciopero generale del 2 novembre a Oakland. Oggi pubblichiamo un secondo sguardo su quanto sta accadendo negli Stati Uniti, spostandoci questa volta da Oakland a New York. Sono molti gli aspetti di un movimento che, mentre irrompe presentando se stesso come il 99%, sta iniziando ad affrontare …

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