sabato , 27 Luglio 2024

Tag Archives: Transnational Strike

Time of strike, time of uprising: France, or rather Europe

→ Italian Since months, France is the theatre of the biggest social strike of Europe. In order to contrast the loi El Khomri, thousands of workers refused to work and new strikes are continuing to interrupt production and services. The flows of transports, commodities and oil – with the prolonged block of refineries – are a field of struggle in …

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Differenziato e connesso. Sul meeting transnazionale di Poznan

di PETER NOWAK e LISA RIEDNER Pubblichiamo la traduzione italiana dell’articolo di Peter Nowak – giornalista freelance e attivista di Berlino – e Lisa Riedner – ricercatrice nel campo delle migrazioni e attivista presso un temporary workers center della Initiative Zivilcourage di Monaco. L’articolo è comparso sul n. 609 della rivista «Analyse & Kritik. Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis» …

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The summer of our dismay. Greece, Europe and transnational struggles

→ Italian This is not a coup d’etat. Undoubtedly there has been a de facto unilateral imposition that completely ignored and thus erased every trace of the Greek referendum. However we need to say that there was no State to hit since long time: dissolved by the pressure of debt, with an impossible sovereignty, with 1/3 of its people living …

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One step beyond. Blockupy from blockades to the transnational strike

→ Italiano → German (thanks Interventionistische Linke Bielefeld for translation) From Frankfurt to Berlin, from the blockade against the ECB to the construction of the first transnational strike, Blockupy goes on. Now the point is to consolidate a political space of discussion, in order to realize processes of organization that make possible a long-lasting massive participation, instead of short-living discontinuities. Blockupy was …

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The sad sunset of a model: the Swedish welfare between precarization and struggles

by ALLT ÅT ALLA – Lund → Italian The text which follows tells about the successful struggle of nurses who in 2013 organized in several Swedish cities against the reform of labour contracts. By worsening labour and wage conditions and by threatening in this way the health of patients, that reform signaled that precarization is occurring also in a country …

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Blockupy meets Amazon Strikers: a moment of mutual infection in front of the gates

by HAGEN KOPP (from No Troika Rhine Main) → IT → D At 18th of Dember 2014 a small Blockupy delegation met with the Amazon strikers in Bad Hersfeld, in this time one of the six Amazon branches in Germany with about 2300 striking workers in total. The Blockupy activists supported the protests at the gates of so called FRA 1, one …

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Costruire insieme uno spazio transnazionale per un’Europa dal basso

Report dell’assemblea del Coordinamento transnazionale Blockupy a Bruxelles, 26/27 Settembre 2014 Dopo aver discusso gli esiti del May of Solidarity 2014, il gruppo internazionale di coordinamento di Blockupy ha lanciato un incontro transnazionale a Bruxelles per discutere delle forme di protesta da adottare contro le politiche europee della crisi. Il messaggio proposto dalle giornate di azione dello scorso maggio «Solidarity …

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