sabato , 27 Luglio 2024

Search Results for: regime of wage

Il Regime del salario. Prefazione

di FERRUCCIO GAMBINO Uscirà domani Il regime del salario, l’ebook del collettivo Lavoro insubordinato che raccoglie tutti gli interventi pubblicati sul Jobs Act e le trasformazioni che esso produrrà sull’organizzazione del lavoro in Italia. Pubblichiamo oggi in anteprima la prefazione di Ferruccio Gambino. *** Questa premessa intende rilevare alcuni effetti della politica del lavoro nell’Eurozona (19 paesi nel 2015) e …

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The summer of our dismay. Greece, Europe and transnational struggles

→ Italian This is not a coup d’etat. Undoubtedly there has been a de facto unilateral imposition that completely ignored and thus erased every trace of the Greek referendum. However we need to say that there was no State to hit since long time: dissolved by the pressure of debt, with an impossible sovereignty, with 1/3 of its people living …

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The occasion of a «no». On the critique of debt-democracy

→ Italian → Greek – on Nomadic Universality website How many «no» can be said on Sunday? What kind of occasion the Greek referendum against the ultimatum of the European institutions offers? The referendum was an obliged choice, because in the last months a true and proper pro-slavery revolt occurred against the Greek attempt to escape the tyranny of the debt. …

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Grentry. The domination of finance in Europe and its crisis

→ Italian → Greek – from Nomadic Universality website The technical fact is simple: the so called «Institutions» (the new name of the Troika obtained by the Greek government) have much more to lose than Greece. In the economical newspapers this truth is already openly stated: a Greek default, and even more a Grexit, would cause the biggest damages to the …

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The Blockupy of tomorrow, to put an end to sadness

→ Italian In the weeks before the 18th of March, the big event that was supposed to inaugurate the new ECB headquarter was increasingly reshaped. The great party that originally should have been became a modest happy hour and, finally, a coffee-to-go, made possible by a huge deployment of policemen. When we reached the blocks of demonstrators coming from every …

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Rome, Athens and Frankfurt. The insubordination of a continent

→ Italian Rome, Athens and Frankfurt are for us parts of the same problem. The three processes that intertwine them are seemingly of different intensity and range, yet the intersections are evident. The terms of the problem are clear. The solution is hard, despite real elements of a counter-hegemony in Europe have eventually showed up. Rome hosted the second Strike …

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The Government of Mobility 3. The defeat of the Europe of Rights and conditioned freedom of movement Part II

di GABRIELLA – Leeds Solidarity Network → Italian We publish the second part of the analysis of current transformations of welfare systems and government of mobility proposed by Gabriella from the Leeds Solidarity Network. The first part was published with the title: The Government of Mobility 2: The (United) Kingdom of workfare versus welfare for migrants Part I *** There …

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A question of power. Greece, Syriza and the institutions on the move

→ Italiano We publish a long interview with Christos Giovanopoulos, an activist of Solidarity for All, a group which facilitate the development of grassroots solidarity structures and of the solidarity movement as a whole in Greece. The interview was realized during the last international meeting of the Blockupy coalition, whose aim now is to organize the European demonstration of March 18, when the …

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The government of mobility 1. Conditioned freedom and mobility «on probation»

by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO → IT British Prime Minister David Cameron has recently stated that «freedom of movement it is not an unqualified right». Otherwise stated, the freedom of movement can be limited. Hence, with these words Cameron clearly expresses the spirit of our times. Indeed, in several European countries it is taking place not only an erosion of social rights …

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Movements of Europe. Problems and opportunities of the new government of labor

After the case which involved Silvia Guerra – the Italian citizen and artist living in Brussels, who was expelled as a «burthen» for the Belgian welfare system – we begun to think how Europe is reconfiguring its borders and how mobility works in this frame. The affaire Guerra, in fact, is not a single episode, but is rather one of …

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