martedì , 11 Febbraio 2025

Solidarity beyond borders – Building democracy from below


blockupy-2014-banner-624x200@2xItalian FlagThe programs of austerity and privatizations imposed by the Troika decide on the lives of millions of people in Europe. Together with people in Europe and the whole world we resist the rehabilitation of capitalism on the backs of employees as well as unemployed, retirees, migrants and the youth. Together with them we say: “We don’t owe, we won’t pay!”
While the European Union crisis regime builds more and more borders in order to divide, exploit and oppress us, new transnational movements are arising. We are social movement activists, altermondialists, migrants, precarious and industry workers, party members and unionists and many more, who want to connect our struggles and powers beyond nation-state lines. During the week before the elections for the European Parliament we call for the spirit of the multitude of these social movements to build real democracy from below.

We call for an international week of decentralised actions from May 15-25, 2014. Be part of it!

Starting on the symbolic date of the 15M movement in Spain, we aim for strong, united, internationally visible actions from May 15-18.

Beyond these days there will be actions in many cities in many countries linked to one another by the broader perspective of a transnational movement for democracy, solidarity and commons.

Then, in autumn, we will bundle our strength again – this time to prevent the new tower of the European Central Bank from opening in Frankfurt. We invite you to join the action days! Be creative and participate with your own initiative!

Build #Democracy

In times of crisis, we are told, there is no alternative to austerity.

But people pay, suffer, and die, while banks have been bailed out with billions of euros. Debt and exploitation, wealth and precarisation, are two sides of the same coin. The authoritarian crisis regime does’t represent us. Its true mission – to serve capital – is masked by the supposedly ideology-free benchmarks of finance. The crisis cannot be solved by more neoliberal adjustments. It destroys our social rights, cuts social spendings, and fixes economic redistribution in favor of capital, setting locations in competition with one another.

Capitalism is the crisis. Poverty is not only the result of unemployment and of unjust decisions enacted by governments, but is also the effect of a longer transformation, accelerated by the political management of crisis. Global capitalism divides rich and poor, migrants and citizens, even citizens and citizens, and exploits our creative and productive forces for profit. Is it freedom to choose between precarity or unemployment? Let us fight for social and economic equality in order to build real democracy from below!

Take the #Commons

It’s time to take the commons! The wealth we create through our own social cooperation is being expropriated. The extraction of the wealth of our planet is destroying our very livelihood. We all face the consequences of climate change, loss of biodiversity, hazardous waste, pollution and biocide. Our basis for social reproduction, including healthcare and housing, are objects of speculation. Internal borders are intensified by privatisation and economic and social exclusion. Increasing rents upwards of 15% in German cities are forcing people into homelessness or to move. Hundreds of thousands evictions in Spain are one result of a 26% unemployment rate. While  the infant mortality rate increased by 51% in three years and 1.5 million people have no access to healthcare in Greece, hospitals are being shut down and patient fees demanded.
Private and state ownership can be overcome by commoning management and access. Examples are housing projects, social initiatives that resist increasing rents and evistions, occupied factories, and social solidarity clinics. Instead of closing hospitals, kicking people out of their homes and social initiatives out of their spaces, it’s time to organize and take back what is ours!

Struggle in #Solidarity

Precarious go to FrankfurtEurope is transnational since it is crisscrossed by millions women and men who migrate or flee from their homes looking for better lives, thus practicing their freedom of movement. The EU militarises and strengthens racist borders, where thousands die and are beaten and raped. The consequences of colonialism and imperialism force migrants into social subordination, illegality, detention, and deportation – in order to capitalize their workforce. The extraction of wealth is built upon institutional racism, the externalization of borders and the exploitation of the European peripheries by the centres.

State institutions and governments use prejudices and create fear to obtain privileges. Racism and fascism are fueled by the economic crisis. In the streets, migrants, Sinti and Romanies, and homosexuals are attacked. Dangerous alliances are being built. Right-wing parties are expected to make large gains in the coming European elections. Racism, sexism, and chauvinism are exploited to divide and weaken us. Our lifes and struggles are connected. Active solidartity means struggerling for everybodies rights – everywhere. It’s time to overcome bordering in solidarity!
Participate in the week of decentral actions May 15-25, 2014!

Blockupy2014 transnational coordination 

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