venerdì , 17 Gennaio 2025

Tag Archives: Transnational Politics of Peace

The metastasis of World War III

→ Italian Despite no longer appearing in headlines or smartphone feeds, the war in Ukraine continues and continues to produce its effects. Those who spoke of a great clash for Western values, for the preservation of Europe, and for the ultimate defense of freedom, seem almost to have lost interest in the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian resistance, the daily deaths …

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After imperialisms. Problems and Possibilities of a Transnational Politics of Peace

→ First published in Italian on June 8. The time is out of joint— O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right! Nay, come, let’s go together. Shakespeare, Hamlet   The war has sparked stupor for what appears still possible today. On the one hand, we should not be surprised: if we look at events with non-European …

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Strike Now! Per una politica transnazionale di pace. Report del secondo incontro dell’Assemblea Permanente contro la guerra

di TRANSNATIONAL SOCIAL STRIKE PLATFORM → English Il 9 aprile si è tenuto il secondo incontro dell’Assemblea Permanente contro la guerra. Dopo che circa 150 attivisti e attiviste, lavoratori e lavoratrici di almeno 15 paesi diversi hanno preso parte alla prima assemblea, 170 persone hanno partecipato a questo secondo incontro. Complessivamente, più di 270 persone hanno partecipato all’Assemblea permanente. La …

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