sabato , 27 Luglio 2024

Tag Archives: Precarity

Call from the Strike Meeting to the European Movements and Networks

On November 14th Let’s Strike Back Against the Precarization of Labour and Life! On November 14th, we, precarious workers, migrants, industry and public sector workers, students, autonomous workers, men and women, will strike against the condition of subordination which the labour regimes and the European policies want to impose on us. November 14th will be for us a social strike, a strike …

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The 31st October UK Universities Strike: within and beyond the question of pay

by GABRIELLA ALBERTI On the 31st October, for the first time in 16 years, academics, administrative staff, cleaners and librarians of British Universities united and joined picket lines at 149 campuses in protest against pay cuts. The three unions who led the strike are the University College Union (UCU) representing academic staff, UNISON, for all clerical staff including administrative personnel …

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The struggles against the Troika-Regime: Crisis – what Crisis?

by THOMAS SEIBERT – Interventionistische Linke (… out of the Interventionistische Linke, not for the Interventionistische Linke…) My talk is divided into three parts: first a brief ascertainment of what I consider to be the problem of the EU policies aimed at resolving the crisis. Then a somewhat longer ascertainment of our own problem. In closing, an even longer part in …

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Die Kämpfe gegen das Troika-Regime: Krise – welche Krise?

THOMAS SEIBERT – Interventionistische Linke (…aus der Interventionistische Linke, nicht für die Interventionistische Linke) Mein Vortrag gliedert sich in drei Teile: Erst eine kurze Bestimmung dessen, was ich für das Problem der Krisenlösungspolitik der EU halte. Dann eine etwas längere Bestimmung unseres eigenen Problems. Schließlich ein noch etwas längerer Teil, in dem ich mich zwei Lösungsvorschlägen nähern will. Ich denke, dass …

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Sciopero generale e protesta di massa in Portogallo… e i limiti della mobilitazione

di ISMAIL KÜPELI – Oporto Aggiornamento e rielaborazione dell’articolo uscito sul numero di ottobre di Anlyse&Kritik Come nel marzo scorso, solo la CGTP, il sindacato comunista, ha indetto lo sciopero del 14 novembre, dopo che i sindacati spagnoli e la Confederazione Europea dei Sindacati avevano indetto a loro volta una giornata di mobilitazione. Il sindacato socialdemocratico (UGT) ha invece dichiarato …

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Delayed reflections from Greece, for a strike that wasn’t

by CHRISTOS GIOVANOPOULOS – Dikaioma, network of precarious and unemployed workers, Athens The 14N European day of coordinated trade union protests against the austerity measures made headlines in the Greek media and mobilised strongly the Greek police at the day. Their motion to shut down the Syntagma sq. metro station in Athens, for what it proved to be a quite …

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Generalstreiks sowie Massenproteste in Portugal… und die Grenzen der Mobilisierungen

von ISMAIL KÜPELI – Porto Überarbeiteter Artikel, der zuerst in der Oktoberausgabe von analyse & kritik veröffentlicht wurde Wie bereits im März 2012 hatte lediglich die CGTP, die kommunistische Gewerkschaft, zum Streik am 14. November aufgerufen. Der sozialdemokratische Gewerkschaftsverband UGT hatte im Vorfeld erklärt, dass er sich nicht beteiligen wird. Nachdem spanische Gewerkschaften ebenfalls für den 14. November zu einem …

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Insubordinazione operaia sulla frontiera dello «sviluppo». Scene di lotta di classe alla Maruti Suzuki, Manesar, India

di GIORGIO GRAPPI* Il 30 ottobre 2011, accompagnato dalle proteste delle popolazioni locali contro gli espropri effettuati per la costruzione del Buddh International Circuit, il circus della Formula 1 è sbarcato in pompa magna a Greater Noida, nello Stato indiano di Uttar Pradesh. Pur rappresentando una goccia nel mare delle tensioni che attraversano l’India, lo spot voluto dal governo per …

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Riots in black and white. London, one year after

by GABRIELLA ALBERTI – Precarious Workers Brigades, London  If I go anywhere I’m [treated like] a black man that came here 60 years ago … they see me as an immigrant and you can feel the subconscious racism everywhere. You can feel it and you see the way they look at you … it is what it is. There’s nothing …

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Imparare da Oakland…e da New York 10. An unusual general strike: ombre di sciopero sulla May Day

di MICHELE CENTO, in connessione da New York An unusual general strike. Sono le prime parole che ti vengono in mente quando ti svegli il primo maggio a New York e senti lo stesso rumore di sottofondo con cui ti alzi ogni mattina. È il segno che la città sta lavorando. As usual, appunto. La sensazione non cambia quando entri …

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