sabato , 27 Luglio 2024

Tag Archives: European Welfare

The Government of Mobility 4. Germany, Europe, the maze of inclusion

by LUTZ ACHENBACH ‒ Berlin based lawyer → Italian → See also The Government of Mobility #1, #2, #3 The German welfare system is as segmented as is the German labor market. There is an unemployment-insurance for long-term workers and a welfare system for temporary and precarious workers. To receive welfare one has submit to the regime of the Jobcenter and …

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The Government of Mobility 2: The (United) Kingdom of workfare versus welfare for migrants Part I

by GABRIELLA – Leeds Solidarity Network → Italian → See also The government of mobility #1. Conditioned freedom and mobility «on probation» From the 10th of November 2014 European Union migrants who have arrived in the UK as jobseekers will only be able to claim «Job Seeker Allowance» (a type of benefit for those out of work) for only 3 …

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The government of mobility 1. Conditioned freedom and mobility «on probation»

by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO → IT British Prime Minister David Cameron has recently stated that «freedom of movement it is not an unqualified right». Otherwise stated, the freedom of movement can be limited. Hence, with these words Cameron clearly expresses the spirit of our times. Indeed, in several European countries it is taking place not only an erosion of social rights …

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