venerdì , 13 Settembre 2024

Tag Archives: European Union

Terror and resistance in the Afghan autumn: an interview with Liza Schuster and Reza Hussaini

by VALENTINA MARCONI and STEFANO VISENTIN → Italian Few days ago, the dead bodies of four young women were found in the outskirts of Mazar-e-Sharif, in northern Afghanistan. Frozan Safi, a 29-year-old activist and economics lecturer, who took part to the recent protests against Taliban rule, is among them, while the other three women have not been identified yet. The …

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Inside the crises of pandemic capital. Suspended neoliberalism and the hotbeds of healing

→ Italian → Spanish →French Covid-19 is not the first virus to make a species leap. Nonetheless, this time the leap occurred inside the global market, inside an unprecedented system of connections and mobility. Just when capital became pandemic, raising a global claim of domination, one way or another most part of these connections must be interrupted in order to stop the …

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Posted workers and the European logistical integration

The most audacious dreams of the European government of mobility seem to come true in the regulation on the «posting of workers», ruled by a 1996 directive, recently revised by a reform promoted by the inexhaustible Macron. The collapse of the Schengen agreement has revealed that there is an inseparable link between what the agreement meant to separate, that is, …

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The struggles against the Troika-Regime: Crisis – what Crisis?

by THOMAS SEIBERT – Interventionistische Linke (… out of the Interventionistische Linke, not for the Interventionistische Linke…) My talk is divided into three parts: first a brief ascertainment of what I consider to be the problem of the EU policies aimed at resolving the crisis. Then a somewhat longer ascertainment of our own problem. In closing, an even longer part in …

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Die Kämpfe gegen das Troika-Regime: Krise – welche Krise?

THOMAS SEIBERT – Interventionistische Linke (…aus der Interventionistische Linke, nicht für die Interventionistische Linke) Mein Vortrag gliedert sich in drei Teile: Erst eine kurze Bestimmung dessen, was ich für das Problem der Krisenlösungspolitik der EU halte. Dann eine etwas längere Bestimmung unseres eigenen Problems. Schließlich ein noch etwas längerer Teil, in dem ich mich zwei Lösungsvorschlägen nähern will. Ich denke, dass …

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