di PAOLA RUDAN Pubblichiamo la versione integrale della recensione apparsa su «il Manifesto» del 7 maggio 2014 Il Punto zero della rivoluzione. Lavoro domestico, riproduzione e lotta femminista (Verona, ombre corte, 2014, 15,00 €) presenta in un’unica raccolta quasi quarant’anni della riflessione teorica e politica di Silvia Federici, studiosa (ha insegnato presso l’Università di Port Harcourt in Nigeria e la …
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Multitude, Mobility, Mutualism. Questions and answers of the Never class
Exhorted by comrades with whom we have shared actions in the last years with precarious and migrants, we contribute here to the debate launched by Communianet.org on the usefulness, topicality and need to refer to the class. Obviously, the aim of this reflection is especially to inquire on and investigate the lexicon with which the movement has related to a …
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