giovedì , 16 Gennaio 2025

Tag Archives: Strike

Organizing the uprising amidst the impossible stability: towards the TSS meeting in Bologna

Recession winds blow almost everywhere. The war relentlessly claims its price in blood and devastation. There are no longer safe spaces to smoothly accumulate capital or to peacefully lead one’s life. The highest price of this situation is paid by poor people, women and men, workers and migrants, and by all those who want to assert their freedom from dominion …

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Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak – Du Bois nel mondo: panafricanismo e decolonizzazione

di GAYATRI CHAKRAVORTY SPIVAK, da «b2o»* Ci sembra utile rendere disponibile in italiano questo testo della filosofa femminista e marxista Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, pubblicato sul blog della rivista «boundary2». Spivak è difficile da leggere e non si preoccupa di facilitare la lettura di ciò che scrive. Il saggio ci sembra però interessante perché racconta l’incontro tentato e mancato tra l’antirazzismo …

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Spy and sack. About a model of industrial relations in Sweden and Italy

→ Italian Even though there is no shortage of past and recent cases, to sack a trade union delegate employed in the firm for 29 years is still not a widespread practice in Italy. Also, if the firm is a multinational Swedish company, which arrived in Italy with a clamour of trumpets for its participatory industrial relations and the new …

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We can dare. The time of the transnational social strike is now

→ Italian From 21 to 23 October the second meeting of the Transnational Social Strike Platform will be held in Paris. The meeting takes place three weeks after the strike of Polish women against the proposed reform of the abortion law and few months after the French great uprising against the loi travail and its world. In both cases the …

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A huge mass strike in India: was that general?

by G. SAMPATH → Italian We publish an article written by the Indian journalist G. Sampath concerning the last countrywide strike in India on September 2nd. Even if the numbers were probably overestimated by trade unions, declaring a participation of no less than 180 million, the huge amount of people, men and women, who went on strike was a powerful …

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Türkiye Metal İşçileri Yoksulluğa ve Sendika’ya karşı direniyor

NURAN GÜLENÇ → Italiano Türkiye’nin lokomotif sektörlerinden biri olan metal sektöründe, dünya devi otomotiv şirketlerinde çalışan işçilerin başını çektiği bir eylem başladı. Renault fabrikasında başlayan isyan kısa sürede hızla diğer otomotiv üreticisi fabrikalara yayıldı. İşçilerin iki önemli talepleri vardı. Bunlar ücretlerin iyileştirilmesi ve örgütlü oldukları Türk Metal Sendikası’nın işyerlerinde varlığına son verilmesi ve yerine seçecekleri işçi temsilcilerinin tanınmasıydı. Bu eylem …

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Blockupy meets Amazon Strikers: a moment of mutual infection in front of the gates

by HAGEN KOPP (from No Troika Rhine Main) → IT → D At 18th of Dember 2014 a small Blockupy delegation met with the Amazon strikers in Bad Hersfeld, in this time one of the six Amazon branches in Germany with about 2300 striking workers in total. The Blockupy activists supported the protests at the gates of so called FRA 1, one …

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Towards a Europe from below!

Only two days to go: Open assembly of networks and social movements in Brussels 26/27 September We, as Blockupy international coordinating group, called for an open transnational meet-up in Brussels. This is a broader meet-up after our last meeting in Berlin in June of this year, in which we discussed the outcomes of the May of Solidarity and the Blockupy …

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Precarious political communication and transnational strike

→ IT Space The urgent task of European social movements is that of defining their political initiative moving from the acknowledgement that the space of Europe is neither defined nor closed, but is rather the first global space that they must face. It is not for chance that it is always difficult to ascertain what it is meant by «Europe». …

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Infiltrators in the world government of migrations: the refugees’ strike in Israel

The mobilization of migrants in Israel is growing. After three days of general strike launched by the movement, a demonstration is now in front of Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, to ask the Prime Ministry Netanyau and the Interior Ministry Gideon Saar for concrete answers. Mobilization was started by asylum seekers and grew up in the last weeks after the enactment …

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