→ Italian Tens of thousands Hungarians refusing to submit to the slave law. The mass demonstrations in Serbia against the government’s violence. The greatest student revolt in Albania since the end of socialism. The gilets jaunes’s insurrection in France and the massive resistance against Brexit in Great Britain. Women’s struggle, everywhere threatening the orderly reproduction of global society. Migrants’ movement, …
continua a leggereTag Archives: Migrant Labour
Precarious political communication and transnational strike
→ IT Space The urgent task of European social movements is that of defining their political initiative moving from the acknowledgement that the space of Europe is neither defined nor closed, but is rather the first global space that they must face. It is not for chance that it is always difficult to ascertain what it is meant by «Europe». …
continua a leggereMovements of Europe. Problems and opportunities of the new government of labor
After the case which involved Silvia Guerra – the Italian citizen and artist living in Brussels, who was expelled as a «burthen» for the Belgian welfare system – we begun to think how Europe is reconfiguring its borders and how mobility works in this frame. The affaire Guerra, in fact, is not a single episode, but is rather one of …
continua a leggereMigrants’ demo in Bologna, 1st of March 2014
Next March 1st we will return to the streets. We do this after the political tragedy of October 3rd 2013, when the death of hundreds of men, women and children in the sea of Lampedusa highlighted the ruthlessness of the European border regime. We do this after the so-called “refugee emergency” which showed that every ‘emergency’ regime is used to …
continua a leggereInfiltrators in the world government of migrations: the refugees’ strike in Israel
The mobilization of migrants in Israel is growing. After three days of general strike launched by the movement, a demonstration is now in front of Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, to ask the Prime Ministry Netanyau and the Interior Ministry Gideon Saar for concrete answers. Mobilization was started by asylum seekers and grew up in the last weeks after the enactment …
continua a leggereBetween migration and precarization. Diary of a journey through five Tunisian cities
by HAGEN KOPP – Kein Mensch ist Illegal, Hanau, with Activists from Afrique-Europe-Interact and Welcome to Europe Intro 1 This fragmentary diary was written in late January, before the assassination of the leader of the left opposition Chokri Belaïd on February 6th 2013 in Tunis, and the general strike and mass protests that followed in many cities around the country. The …
continua a leggereZwischen Migration und Prekarisierung. Tagebuchnotizen einer Reise durch fünf tunesische Städte.
HAGEN KOPP – Kein Mensch ist Illegal, Hanau mit den AktivistInnen von Afrique-Europe-Interact und Welcome to Europe Intro 1 Dieses fragmentarische Tagebuch wurde bereits Ende Januar verfasst, also noch vor der Ermordung des linken Oppositionsführers Chokri Belaïd am 6.2.2013 in Tunis und dem anschließenden Generalstreik sowie Massenprotesten in vielen Städten Tunesiens. Insofern sind die aktuellen Entwicklungen der letzten Wochen hier nicht …
continua a leggere«No retreat». Exploitation and struggles of the new working class, migrant and precarious, in China. An interview with Pun Ngai
by GIORGIO GRAPPI – published in Italian on «il Manifesto», December 13, 2012 We interviewed Pun Ngai, a major scholar of the transformations of labour relationships in contemporary China, in the occasion of the recent translation in Italian of a collection of essays on the struggles of migrant workers in China. Pun Ngai’s studies provides a fundamental view of a …
continua a leggereFrom precarious workers to precarity: to say both farewell
The issue of “precarity” has become central to all debates regarding labour, economics and society. The category of precarious workers is associated with those who work with limited-time contracts, people hired through employment agencies or people who have no contract whatsoever… In this way “the precarious” tend to be more discussed than precarity itself. They are regarded as an isolated …
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