venerdì , 13 Settembre 2024

Search Results for: regime of wage

The European Regime of Wage. 3. Germany: support precarization, demand exploitation

→ Italian — See also The European Regime of Wage #1, UK and #2, France by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO Looking at the last drama among EU leaders, it looks like there are in the EU diverging views on migration policies. The long and lively discussions at the Bratislava summit seem to foreshadow the end of cohesion among Italy, Germany and France, while in …

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The European Regime of Wage 2. The loi travail and the government of precarization

by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO → Italian On the 5th of July Manuel Valls ended the parliamentary debate on the loi travail by an act of force. To defeat a weak parliamentary opposition, the government resorted again to the 49.3 article of the constitution, an emergency procedure which is supposed to guarantee the general interest of the nation. For the government it …

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The European regime of wage 1. Precarity save the Queen! The living wage of the Crown

by LAVORO INSUBORDINATO → Italiano When it comes to labour, Buckingham Palace is like McDonald’s. Both palaces, the Queen’s one and the most global fast food restaurant in the world, hire with «zero-hours contracts». In short, «let them eat cake!», or rather, burgers. It is well known, indeed, that the Big Mac Index devised by the Economist in the mid-80s …

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The metastasis of World War III

→ Italian Despite no longer appearing in headlines or smartphone feeds, the war in Ukraine continues and continues to produce its effects. Those who spoke of a great clash for Western values, for the preservation of Europe, and for the ultimate defense of freedom, seem almost to have lost interest in the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian resistance, the daily deaths …

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Prendi l’iniziativa, cambia il clima di guerra! Meeting transnazionale a Sofia, 8-11 settembre 2022

di TSS PLATFORM A tre anni di distanza dall’incontro precedente a Tbilisi, in Georgia, siamo contenti di annunciare che TSS Platform invita nuovamente attivisti e attiviste, sindacalisti e sindacaliste, lavoratori, lavoratrici e migranti provenienti da diverse parti d’Europa e non solo, al meeting transnazionale a Sofia organizzato insieme al collettivo femminista bulgaro LevFem. Più di cento partecipanti si sono già …

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A silent but relentless tide. Our feminism to the test of November 27th

Italian Five years ago, the first transnational feminist strike took place. The strike triggered a process of politicization that irreversibly changed the expectations of millions of women and LGBTQ+ people, who gathered around the struggle against male violence as a common project of social subversion. On the occasion of the transnational mobilization against male violence against women on November 27th, …

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Inside the crises of pandemic capital. Suspended neoliberalism and the hotbeds of healing

→ Italian → Spanish →French Covid-19 is not the first virus to make a species leap. Nonetheless, this time the leap occurred inside the global market, inside an unprecedented system of connections and mobility. Just when capital became pandemic, raising a global claim of domination, one way or another most part of these connections must be interrupted in order to stop the …

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The connecting breach. The transnational power of the feminist strike

→ Italian We believed in the transformative power of the feminist strike from its very beginning. Nonetheless, three years later, we continue to be surprised by how fast it is spreading around the world. Women from the US to Mexico and Bangladesh are championing the fight for fair wages, that has regained strength thanks to their efforts. Demonstrations against male …

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The last Europe. The insubordination of movements and the institutions

→ Italiano On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, and a few days after the second anniversary of the inauguration of the new European Central Bank in Frankfurt – which coincides with the first anniversary of the Agreement between the EU and Turkey on migrants and refugees – it is worth to rethink Europe as …

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Strike in the Usa. Women and the globalization of the strike

→ Italian All over the world the strike is becoming a feminist political practice. On January the 20th women will cross their arms in the United States on the inauguration day of Donald Trump’s presidency, one day before taking to the streets of Washington with a #womensmarch that is announced as one of the biggest mobilization of the last decades. …

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