sabato , 20 Aprile 2024

Search Results for: Tackle

Factory without society. Around some problems concerning the transnational social strike

→ Italian We would like to contribute to the debate started by Plan C and Angry Workers because we believe it is particularly important for the meeting towards a transnational social strike that will take place in Poznan next October. Of this debate, including the latest comment of Australian Left, we wholly share the necessity of a political analysis which …

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Towards a Transnational Social Strike. Call for a transnational meeting in Poznan – 2/3/4th October 2015

→ Italian Austerity is now the new normality in Europe. In these years monetary policies have been used to enforce neo-liberal labour reforms, privatization of the commons, cuts in welfare benefits and less civil rights. European governments and financial institutions use debt and technical parameters as a political tool to play workers and populations against each other, as the blackmail …

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One step beyond. Blockupy from blockades to the transnational strike

→ Italiano → German (thanks Interventionistische Linke Bielefeld for translation) From Frankfurt to Berlin, from the blockade against the ECB to the construction of the first transnational strike, Blockupy goes on. Now the point is to consolidate a political space of discussion, in order to realize processes of organization that make possible a long-lasting massive participation, instead of short-living discontinuities. Blockupy was …

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The Autumn of Our Discontent: Calcutta’s great clamour on September 20, 2014

by SAYANDEB CHOWDHURY →IT Last summer I found myself at the annual Critical Theory Summer School at Birkbeck College, University of London. The primary attention and energy of the lectures and discussions at the summer school was to find a lexicon for the many modes of resistances that have been sweeping across the world in the last few years. Etienne Balibar, …

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Precarious political communication and transnational strike

→ IT Space The urgent task of European social movements is that of defining their political initiative moving from the acknowledgement that the space of Europe is neither defined nor closed, but is rather the first global space that they must face. It is not for chance that it is always difficult to ascertain what it is meant by «Europe». …

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Per un movimento transnazionale attraverso l’Europa!

→EN May of Solidarity lancia un messaggio in Europa: lottiamo insieme e costruiamo un movimento transnazionale di resistenza, attraverso l’Europa e oltre! Oltre i confini nella solidarietà e per costruire democrazia dal basso! «Solidarietà oltre i confini – costruzione della democrazia dal basso» sono state le parole d’ordine del «May of Solidarity» e delle Giornate europee d’azione, svoltesi alla vigilia …

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Subverting the global chains of exploitation!

→ Italian Yesterday in front of the Apple Store in Bologna more than 200 persons participated to the initiative «Let’s Tackle Apple!», organized for the transnational week of action and realized also in Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Poznan, Varsavia, Milan and Rome. In Bologna Steve Jobs who, after his death, was condemned to work in the Foxconn Hell’s Factory, spoke about the …

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Sovvertire le catene globali dello sfruttamento!

→ English Ieri, 17 maggio, di fronte all’Apple store di via Rizzoli a Bologna oltre 200 persone hanno partecipato all’iniziativa «Let’s Tackle Apple! Contrastiamo Apple!», organizzata nell’ambito della settimana transnazionale di mobilitazione #MayOfSolidarity e realizzata anche a Dusseldorf, Francoforte, Poznan, Varsavia, Milano e Roma. A Bologna Steve Jobs, condannato dopo la sua morte a lavorare nella fabbrica infernale di Foxconn, …

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The 31st October UK Universities Strike: within and beyond the question of pay

by GABRIELLA ALBERTI On the 31st October, for the first time in 16 years, academics, administrative staff, cleaners and librarians of British Universities united and joined picket lines at 149 campuses in protest against pay cuts. The three unions who led the strike are the University College Union (UCU) representing academic staff, UNISON, for all clerical staff including administrative personnel …

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Riots in black and white. London, one year after

by GABRIELLA ALBERTI – Precarious Workers Brigades, London  If I go anywhere I’m [treated like] a black man that came here 60 years ago … they see me as an immigrant and you can feel the subconscious racism everywhere. You can feel it and you see the way they look at you … it is what it is. There’s nothing …

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